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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2020-11-3

盖板模具精度较低的 有哪些补救方法呢,以下一一为大家介绍几个方法。What remedial methods are there for the lower precision of the cover die? Here are some methods to introduce for you one by one.

1.检查有无充足的冷却水流料斗喉,以保证正确的温度。1. Check whether there is sufficient cooling water hopper throat to ensure the correct temperature.

2.检查是否有松脱的热点偶。2. check whether there are loose hot spots.

3.检查温度控制器一起使用的热点偶是否属于正确类型。3. Check whether the thermocouple used with the temperature controller belongs to the correct type.

4. Check the injection quantity and injection capacity of the injection molding machine, and then compare it with the actual injection amount and the injection rate per hour.


5.检查是否每次运作都有稳定的熔融热料。5. Check whether there is stable molten hot material in each operation.

6.保证螺杆每次运作的复回位置都是稳定的,即不多于0.4mm的变化。6. Ensure that the return position of the screw is stable during each operation, that is, the change is not more than 0.4mm.

7.检查液压系统运作是否正常,油温是否过高或过低(25~60℃)7. Check whether the hydraulic system operates normally and whether the oil temperature is too high or too low (25 ~ 60 ℃)

以上就是盖板模具精度低的补救方法。The above is the remedy for low precision of cover die.

